Friday, October 12, 2018



Most of us think that life is pretty good. We value our existence on how much money we have, or our relationships, or our home, or our job, or our families. We always look at the outside. If the outside looks good then life must be good.

My story...
I spent most of my adult life working, owning homes, buying new cars every few years, married, raising children, taking vacations. I was successful and happy, right? I exercised, kept myself relatively healthy, wore nice clothes. I was successful and happy, right? I had all the toys, golf clubs and memberships, fitness center in my basement, tanning salon visits, cameras and telescopes. I was successful and happy, right?

Factoid. In today's hectic world 43% of adults suffer some form of adverse affect from stress. 75% of all doctor visits are stress related, headache, blood pressure, heart conditions, anxiety, even cancer. It costs U.S. businesses $ 300,000,000.00 annually dealing with employee related stress issues. So chances are you suffer some form of stress. The problem is that once stress settles in we are automatically behind the eight ball trying to catch up which ironically causes more stress. As hard as we try to look good and successful on the outside we may be killing ourselves on the inside as I was. If you exercise, eat right, sleep well good for you. But, when was the last time you did something productive for your mind?

When the mind is calm the body will relax and in this state the body will follow the mind. This interconnection between mind and body is how we heal. When we learn to manage our stress we become more relaxed, the body responds accordingly and we feel better. If we continue to put ourselves in the path of stress, which most times cannot be avoided, we better have a plan to deal with it. This is why we should meditate. Meditation is not magic or supernatural. It does not come in a pill or liquid form. It is a practice that allows the mind to stay single pointed and focused. It is medication for the mind. It is the pressure relief valve that just may save your life.

So I leave you with this. We have all seen, maybe experienced someone who's body is sound but the mind no longer functions. The term "Brain Dead". Life for all intent and purpose is over. We have all seen, maybe experienced someone who's mind is sound but the body no longer functions. The term "Paraplegic". Pretty extreme examples, I know, but needed to make a point. That point being that you can exist with a mind and no body easier than a body with no mind so remember to pay equal attention to both. Don't leave the mind out on an island and expect great results. Nurture it, respect it and give it it's medication. Meditate.