Friday, March 9, 2018


Welcome to the first of what we hope to be many interesting and engaging posts about who we are and what we do. The best place to start is why we choose to open a Wellness Centre. Our story is as follows...

As the saying goes, "when life gives you lemons you make lemonade". So when life presents wellness you open a Wellness Centre. WHAT?

Life puts us where we go because, well, we belong there, it is our path. Sometimes in life we are thrust into a situation with no apparent reason as to why we are facing such a situation. Other times we can see it coming but still can't change it. It usually isn't until long after that we see the reason why. Sometimes we may not like the reason but we see it none the less. More times than I can mention here did I find myself asking, "what is going on, why is this happening to me"? It happens because that's life. Kind of a simple, stupid answer but that's the answer. No matter how hard we try or how well we prepare something, somewhere is going to pop up and cause anything from discomfort to full blown stress. Relationship problems, financial challenges, illness or death. Everyone everywhere is tasked from time to time with a life challenge. Depressing huh? But hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Since we can't change life or what may or may not happen we are best to learn how to deal with it. It's all about how we react. Many were never taught how to deal with life's problems and by the time we got caught up in them we were way past the parental learning parts of life. I remember Geography, History, Math, even Physical Education in school but never Stress 101. Granted my schooling occurred many years ago but I don't think there are many courses being offered that teach us how to deal with life. "Mama never said there would be days like this". So we react. Sometimes cool as the proverbial cucumber, others not so much. It's the not so much times that cause the angst. But in our defense we do the best we can without knowledge of what to do.

The outcome of our reaction usually manifests itself in some sort of stress. Sometimes temporary, sometimes long term or permanent. It can cause changes in eating and sleep habits, anger issues, addictions or the taking of life, ourselves or others. Generally there is not a good outcome to unmanaged stress. Thinking about stress can be stressful. And as mentioned earlier, no one is immune from it. In today's world it's all around. So we either avoid it (wouldn't that be nice) or learn how to deal with it.

It took me 60+ years of countless experiments to try and find a remedy for stress. Reading and researching and experimenting and failing to finally come out the other side with some clarity. A relief from stress.One that requires patience and vigilance and practice and will teach me how to deal instead of reacting. Or at the very least provide an avenue to beat back the stress for an hour, a day, a week. We all choose our path to wellness, that we can control. So when life presented wellness to Lisa and I we opened a wellness centre. We can attest that it works in our personal lives. Our MINDANDBODY approach to wellness that encompasses physical, mental and spiritual well being... Revitalize - A Sewickley Wellness Centre.